About Me

I am passionate about all things Photography.  I can hardly go anywhere without thinking how I would love to create a photo session out of everything, everyday of the year. There are so many wonderful "happenings" in everything we do that create wonderful memories. Whether it's a "big event" like a wedding or the "everyday quiet moments" like watching your child discover a grasshopper for the first time, I want to tell your story.

I have two small children. A boy and a girl. I love to watch the magic in their eyes as they discover new things. I love watching them go barefoot across the lawn in search of butterflies and lightning bugs. When it rains we get out our "puddle jumpers" and find the biggest puddles to splash around in. These are the moments that I live for behind the camera! This is pure joy for my children (and me ;-)  I love to celebrate and treasure them forever in photographs!

I am also married to the most wonderful and supportive husband. Without him I would not have my two wonderful children and the support to run my own business. When we got married I fell in love with the whole process of creating a day that symbolizes the couple's love. Everything about that one day is made especially for the two people brought together by love. I can't imagine a better storyline or backdrop for amazing photographs. I am inspired again and again with every wedding I capture and get excited every time I speak to a bride about her wedding day.